A river of words flowed between us. |
Ernest Cline (born March 29, 1972) is the author of Ready Player One and the second upcoming books of the series. He was also co-screenwriter of the film adaptation of his book Ready Player One, which was directed by Steven Spielberg.,and sold the film rights of his other books to universal in 2012. 3 years before the film was published. It is currently still an ongoing project. Ernest Cline lives in Austin, Texas with his family. He bought an refurbished a De'Lorian from the set of the Back To The Future films and owns a large collection of classic videogames.
- Cline's favorite video games are Black Tiger and Battlezone. They inspired him to write Ready Player One and another book, Armada.
- When asked who would star in the Ready Player One film adaptation, as his “dream cast,” he would actually prefer a cast of unknown actors — with the exception of Wil Wheaton (who is his own character in the book).
- Of all the characters in Ready Player One, he identifies most with Wade Watts and James Halliday.
- He participated in a Reddit AMA on July 14th, 2015 via the subreddit /r/books.