Harold "Hal" Jordan, also known as Green Lantern, is a fictional character and superhero from DC comics and universe, appearing as the main protagonist of the titular comics, and a major protagonist in the Justice League comics.
He is believed to be the first human to join the Green Lantern Corps (which is later debunked), as well as a founding member of the Justice League. He is the second human to adopt the Green Lantern moniker after the original, Alan Scott, and was succeeded by several human heroes. A test pilot, Hal was granted a Green Lantern ring by a dying Abin Sur, and was inducted into the Green Lantern Corps to protect the Earth sector, 2814.
Hal is best friends with Barry Allen, the second iteration of The Flash, and a close friend to the Green Arrow. He is also a friends with fellow Green Lanterns, Kilowog, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, and Guy Gardner.
He was created by the late John Broome and the late Gil Kane, and first appeared in Showcase #22 in October of 1959.